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4:20! dessa qui25abr é Rock! MC5 e a revolução sonica!

4:20! dessa qui25abr é Rock!


Brothers and Sisters, I wanna see ya see ya hands out there! Lemme see ya see ya hands. I want everybody to kick up some noise! I want to hear some revolution out there brothers! I want to hear a little revolution! Brothers and Sisters, the time has come for each and everyone of you to decide whether you are gonna be the problem or whether you are going to be the solution, that's right! You must choose brothers, you must choose! It takes 5 seconds, 5 seconds of decision, 5 seconds to realize your purpose here on the planet. It takes 5 seconds to realize that it's time to move, it's time to get down with it! Brothers, it's time to testity and I want to know, are you ready to testity? Are you ready? I give you, a testimonial ? The MC5!!!

A cúpula revolucionária da Motor City dos 70's! Rock anárquico e a revolução combativa com um arsenal de guitarras no volume máximo!


'Ramblin' Rose', com MC5. Rock N Roll chapado de barulho, às 4:20! dessa qui25abr na DINAMICO FM!

4:20! seg à sex, no Voo DINAMICO, uma cortina de fumaça sonora abrindo as portas da percepção.


MC 5 Kick Out The Jams verso

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